Award Information
This fellowship will support a junior faculty member in basic/translational research that supports the mission of the Surgical Infection Society. Fellowship funding is $45,000 for 1 year with the opportunity to apply for a competitive renewal to earn a second year of funding.
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2025.
Review Process: Applications will be reviewed by the members of the Awards Committee and scored according to NIH guidelines. Recommendations for award will be made to the SIS Foundation for Education and Research for final decision regarding funding.
Award Acceptance: Award winners will be notified at the SIS Annual Meeting Awards Banquet in May, 2025. The funding period will begin July 1, 2025.
The award recipient will be expected to provide a summary of the completed research plan at a special session of the SIS Annual Meeting at the conclusion of the award period.
Note: Unexpended funds must be remitted back to the Foundation at the end of the award period.
Past Recipients
View Past Recipients
Eligibility and Criteria
- Applicants must be full-time faculty members at the rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor for no more than five years at the time of application. Promotion to Associate Professor is permissible during the award period.
- Applicants must be full members of the Surgical Infection Society at the time of application.
- Attendance by the award recipient is expected at the Annual Meeting of the SIS during the award year(s).
- All other current and pending extra-mural funding must be disclosed at the time of application.
Application Requirements
- SIS Fellowship online application form
- NIH-style Biosketch
- Research proposal (5 pages, single space, 11 point font, 1 inch margins)
- Including Abstract, Significance, Innovation, Preliminary Studies, Approach
- Research budget
- Current and pending financial support
- Letters of support
- Department Chair (sponsor letter if appropriate)
- Letter must indicate institutional support.
- Letter must indicate that all funds provided will be used for the award recipient's salary or direct research costs.
- SIS Member (if Chair is not an SIS member)
- Mentoring Plan
- Mentoring is an important part of faculty development; therefore each applicant should identify a mentee who will participant on the proposed project. A description of a mentoring plan for this appointed mentee should be included.
Apply Today!
Questions? Please contact:
Diane Catalano
Administrative Assistant